
Focus Is Getting Her Results

From Spring Gr Newsletter, November 2023

When the prize is living one’s life to the fullest, Maneeka Beasley wins BIG TIME. Randy had the opportunity to interview Maneeka to find out what her secret sauce is to winning so much, and here is what she had to say…

Some parts were edited for flow and paraphrased to reflect the spirit of the interview.

SpringGR News: Maneeka, you are an original participant; you go back to where it all started, right?

Maneeka: Yep, I am an original from the first class on Madison Street. Back then, the idea was just pound cakes and baked treats, and the business name was “Flavorful.” Our graduation and pitch contest was held at Rockford Construction Company. I didn’t win.

SpringGR News: How long did you do pound cakes and treats? When did you begin to focus your offerings?

Maneeka: Around 2016, I started doing custom-made cakes, shooters, pop-ups, and these things called Cake Pops. These were little suckers made of cake. They were really popular. SpringGR ordered them for many of their events.

SpringGR News: Then came 2020 and the pandemic.

Maneeka: That year, 2020, was a great time to reflect and pivot. I re-enrolled in SpringGR’s refresher course and got my focus back. This focus led me to rebrand my business. Cakes By The Jar came around 2022 with a new marketing plan and LLC. I also started entering (and winning) various pitch contests around town. Winning $5,000 prize money multiple times(the latest being the Pitch Black) contest in September has allowed me to grow the business. With the rebrand and focus on Cakes By the Jar, the business has made over $31,000 in revenue…and is growing.

SpringGR News: I understand you hold two Master’s Degrees, work a full-time job, and run your business. How are you getting it all done?

Maneeka: HELP! I’ve got a lot of help, especially from family. We all pitch in to make this thing go—and, of course, FOCUS. By concentrating on doing a few things, I can get way more done.

SpringGR News: Other good news is that you are helping Kzoo Station, the location of the Kitchen Incubator program for which you serve as an instructor. Let me say for all of us here at SpringGR…Welcome aboard!

Maneeka: Thank You.

Maneeka can be reached through her website: